The Chamber St. Matthews


Business Organizations

About Us

The St. Matthews Area Business Association SMABA was organized in 1955. A dedicated group of members drafted bylaws and formulated programs and activities that promoted the businesses that served the community. With strong leadership, active members and effective business programming and events, by 2008 the St. Matthews Area Business Association became the largest business association in the Louisville, KY metropolitan area.

In 2011 the Board of Directors presented the opportunity to its members to transition SMABA into a Chamber of Commerce in 2012. Today, the St. Matthews Area Chamber of Commerce is a powerful and effective advocate; full of resources, opportunities and synergies for its members including retail, business services, for-profit, non-profit, manufacturers, healthcare and more.

Our members have always led the success of the organization. Our Board of Directors is committed, our committees are filled with passionate members, our networking events are some of the most well-attended events than organizations twice our size.

Our members are based throughout the region. They join to share in the economic development opportunities made available through engagement with The Chamber.

We welcome you to be a part of our community, Billy Fowler, President of the Board.

Our office is located at 3940 Grandview Ave, Suite 216, inside St. Matthews City Hall. Stop by or call today.

Video Media


  • Cost Savings
  • Business Support
  • Community Involvement


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Rep/Contact Info

Andie Boyd
Membership Coordinator
Amanda Harper
Director of Member Services
Virginia Hart
Chief Operating Officer
Josh Suiter, IOM
Chief Executive Officer