The Chamber of St Matthews

Eagle Eye Strategies

  • Business Development Consulting
  • Business Coaching
  • Business Consultant
  • Business Development
  • Business Services
  • Marketing
13401 Spring Villa Ct
Louisville, KY 40245
(502) 595-7157
  • About

    Our Vision
    Every business or organizational leader has a lot to manage and accomplish to keep their people on task and the organization on track daily. One of the hardest things to do is to stop and think. Our vision is to empower leadership to become strategic in their learning, developing, proce

  • Whom to Contact

    • Ellie Hart
      13401 Spring Villa Court
      LOUISVILLE, KY 40245
      Phone: (502) 595-7157
    • Christy Smallwood
      Phone: (502) 595-7157