The Chamber of St Matthews

Baptist Health Louisville

  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare/Fitness/Wellness
4000 Kresge Way
Louisville, KY 40207
(502) 896-7532
(502) 259-4192 (fax)
  • Whom to Contact

    • Ashley Parker
      4000 Kresge Way
      Louisville, KY 40207
      Phone: (502) 896-7532
    • Steve Rudolf
      Phone: (502) 896-7532
    • Sherma Vawters
      Executive Assistant to President
      4000 Kresge Way
      Louisville, KY 40207
      Phone: (502) 896-7532
    • Dr. Jonathan Velez
      4000 Kresge Way
      Louisville, KY 40207
      Phone: (502) 896-7532
    • Ken Watts
      Occpational Health
      4000 Kresge Way
      Louisville, KY 40207
      Phone: (502) 896-7532